Please take the time to look at these different scholarship lists we have compiled or found for you, as they do not require U.S. citizenship or a social security number:
Local Oklahoma Foundation and Scholarship Opportunities
Regional and National Scholarships
Aspiring Americans Scholarship Directory
Generation Progress Scholarship List
Our top 5 tips for successfully applying to scholarships:
1. ALWAYS call them if you have a question instead of emailing first. It is faster and makes you look more professional and courteous, especially if they remember you when they get your application.
2. Ask for help reviewing your essays and resume from your teachers or counselors. Essays are critically important to successful scholarship applications.
3. Make a list of the scholarships you plan to apply for and keep track of deadlines.
4. Apply for as many as you possibly can! It all adds up and you never know what you will get. Every dollar counts!
5. Keep in constant contact with the college you want to attend so they see you are actively seeking financial aid and are committed to attending their institution.
College Scholarship Service (CSS)
The CSS Profile is run by the College Board and does not require a social security number. Students can use the CSS Profile as a way to obtain a student aid report and assess financial need if they cannot complete FAFSA. Hundreds of colleges and scholarship organizations in the U.S. accept the CSS Profile.
The CSS Profile simply requires a one-time fee of $16.00 as well as $9.00 for each institution that a student wishes to send their profile. Aspiring Americans is currently developing a guide to help students complete the Profile. For more information about using this resource, contact us at
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Even though undocumented students are not eligible for financial aid via FAFSA, undocumented students with valid social security numbers should still apply.
The student aid report that is generated through FAFSA is helpful, and required in some cases, to apply for other avenues of financial aid. Furthermore, if laws ever change regarding FAFSA eligibility, it is possible for undocumented students to potentially be grandfathered into aid from FAFSA.
DACA recipients (and other eligible noncitizens) can use their social security number to apply for FAFSA. Here is a helpful guide to complete FAFSA as a DACA student.
Oklahoma's Promise
Undocumented students should apply for Oklahoma's Promise even though the program now requires "lawful presence" of applicants. If a student's immigration status changes before they graduate high school, they can adjust their application and be eligible for financial aid. Furthermore, they could potentially be grandfathered into aid if Oklahoma state laws ever change.
Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG)
OTAG is a need-based award open to students who fulfill basic state residency, high school graduation requirements, and one important immigration caveat.
The following requirements to obtain OTAG relate specifically to undocumented students:
Graduation from a public or private high school in Oklahoma
Residency in Oklahoma with a parent or guardian while attending a public or private high school in Oklahoma for at least two years prior to graduation
Satisfactory admission standards for the institution
A copy of a true and a correct application or petition filed with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to legalize the student's immigration status
Meeting the window of application
For students wishing to attend college during 2015-2016, the window to apply is between January 1 and March 1, 2015
The application should be turned in at the earliest possible opportunity--not all students will be granted awards